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My Vision
Welcome Light Being Codes!
I aim with my light code art to inspire, uplift, encourage, and awaken the original blueprints we were born with, to offer strength, hope, and support on our path.
Light Code Activation by the Power of the Andromedan
What does ascension mean? You come to a point in life where you no longer want to run away from your shadows, but agree to accept and embrace them without personal judgment, releasing them to freedom. You understand that in order to create a better life that reflects who you truly are, and why you agreed to come to the Earth at this time, you need to break through the limitations that were placed upon you, and now often self-imposed as a result. You understand that it is time to take full responsibility for your life and that you hold the power of a creator and co-creator with the ultimate Source of life and love within you. You understand that there will be always a next level to overcome and pass through, and with new levels of maturity and sovereignty, your higher self becomes more integrated and you will find it easier and lighter each time, despite any obstacles placed on your path. You start to remember your soul's blueprint and begin to feel and see Source presence more frequently in you and everyone and everything. You start to look at people with immense love and understand that there is no room for judgment but only love and compassionYou look around and see how many brothers and sisters have come this long way with you and you find it suddenly very easy to connect to the collective consciousness. That is part of ascension. These codes are here to activate the dormant aspects of you that have until now been resisting to be dealt with. These codes are very powerful. Therefore if you are ready for these codes to activate say "I am" and so it is.
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